President & Tournament Coordinator: Mark Maccumber
Vice President / Advertising: Mitch Ankermann
Secretary / Statistician / Website Maintenance: Vacant
Tournament Coordinator: Mitch Ankermann
Treasurer: Melanie Stelfox
Scheduler / Booking Coordinator:
Director/Legal Counsel:
Division Reps
A-Division: Damon Holmen
B-Division: Jaden McDermott
C-Division: Jeff Meadows
- Organize executive meetings (5 or 6 meetings over the course of the season;
- Plan and chair start-up meeting (mid-summer);
- Begin advertising, plan registration night, pre-season tournament, 2 captain’s meetings, year-end tourney, social, etc.
- Ensure general operation of league;
- Address problems brought up by executive members & team reps;
- Delegate any jobs (tournaments, social, etc.);
- Review and discuss budget with treasurer;
- Oversee gym rental agreements (LCK & City of Lethbridge);
- Chair general meeting at year-end tournament to fill positions for next year’s executive;
- Total time commitment over course of year is 30-40 hours over the 6 month season
Vice-President / Advertising
- Assist President with all duties;
- Coordinate with team hosting year-end social to book facility and finalize details;
- Coordinate advertising toward the end of summer. Create & hang posters, ad in the Lethbridge Recreational Guide, radio spots, get site posted on the City of Lethbridge website;
- Time commitment <10 hours depending on help required by President.
- Attend registration meeting to collect and deposit registration fees (2 hours);
- Prepare a budget (1-2 hours);
- Report to executive on finances of league (2 hours cumulative over the year);
- Balance monthly bank statement (15 minutes/month);
- Pay for gym rentals, advertising materials, website cost, year-end prizes, etc.;
- Apply for league insurance (usually done through AVA)
- Collect monies charged to teams for defaults;
- Total time commitment is less than 8 hours for season.
Statistician / Website Maintenance
- Collect & record weekly results from each division rep;
- Record any forfeits/defaults over course of the year and advise President & Treasurer of required payment of performance bonds;
- Post schedules, weekly results, events, upcoming tournaments, general news, registration details, etc. on website;
- Keep executive members list current on website;
- Advise scheduler of teams moving between divisions after each rotation;
- Determine positioning for year-end tournament;
- Total time commitment is <30 minutes/week with increased time required at the end of each round and the start/end of the season.
Scheduler / Booking Coordinator
- Contact the necessary venues and inform them of our required time slots for the up-coming volleyball season during (done in February)
- Book the facilities. Includes time for the pre-season tournament in September, weekly league play for A, B, and C Divisions, year-end tournament in March, Snowball Tournament in Janaury or February;
- Double check that enough weeks are booked and that the facilities are not booked on holidays (ex. Halloween, Reading Week, Christmas) and that you find make-up nights available for them. It is much easier to do this earlier in the year than later.
- Determine schedules for each round of play for each division based on the number of teams in the league.
- Total time commitment is 8-10 hours (8 hours for scheduling, 2 hours for facility bookings)
Tournament Coordinator
- Communicates upcoming tournaments and provides registration information to interested teams
- Gathers information and confirmations from teams regarding league tournaments and other tournaments
- Creates schedules and brackets for tournaments held by LCVL and communicates schedules to teams
- Helps in setting up venues for tournaments and coordinating tournament packages for teams.
- Coordinates welcoming of teams and updates of tournament results.
Division Reps
- Gather and report game scores to statistician.
- Make calls to team captains if the scores are not submitted on a timely basis;
- Obtain and keep original score sheets.
- Communicate issues from teams to the executive;
- Report mis-conduct on the court, forfeits/defaults & other problems to executive members;
- Mitigate concerns/problems between teams within division;
- Ensure games start on time;
- Know the rules;
- Total time commitment is <15 minutes/week if scores are submitted on time.