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2022/23 LCVL Preseason Tournament Schedule

Welcome to a new season of volleyball! Hope you’re all ready to get going on a new year. 

Attached is the schedule for our seeding tournament. As well as some tourney rules/info. Due to the number of teams registered for league this year, as well as the gym time we were able to secure, we have decided to run a one day tournament for this year’s seeding on Saturday October 1st. The league will be providing one new game ball for each team again this year. I will do my best to deliver them to as many of you as I can for your first game. If I miss you, or you have any other questions about the weekend/year please come find me with my team (Brewers).

League play will begin the week immediately following the tournament, returning teams can expect a season very similar to past years. We have updated our website over the offseason, so you may want to spend a minute checking that out to make sure you have your team aware of our rules, policies etc.

We also have a new singles list for this season. Please contact us if you need the link to access that player list.

2022 Preseason Tournament Schedule

Seeding Tournament October 1st @ Lethbridge College