The final tournament brackets and schedule have been posted – you can check them out on the Schedules page. Reminder – all matches are being…
The rotation schedules have been posted for rotation 3. Please check them out on our Schedules Page.
With rotation #3 just around the corner, we wanted to remind all captains and players – the year end tournament will be held the weekend…
Registration opens for the 2023 SnowBall Mixed tournament. Email to register.
Welcome to a new season of volleyball! Hope you’re all ready to get going on a new year. Attached is the schedule for our seeding tournament.…
Mark you calendars – the Season Opener Seeding Tournament will be held October 1st & 2nd at Lethbridge College. We are looking forward to seeing…
We are back! The 2022/2023 Season, open registration will be held Tuesday, September 13th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at Sisters Pub & Grill. Registration…
LCVL AGM – Tuesday June 28th @ 7:00 pm – Sisters Pub, Lethbridge